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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Geography the Basics (3): Geography Object

Geography object divided into two categories: geography material object and geography formal object.

Material Object
Geography material object is geography analysis content contains earth surface phenomena including lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere with all of its variation and antrophosphere as the central theme. Lithosphere is related to earth skin (toposphere and pedosphere) with all of its variation. Atmosphere is related to air layer (weather and climate) with all of its variation. Hydrosphere is related to water layer (land water and sea water) with all of its variation. Biosphere is related to life on earth surface (flora and fauna) with all of its variation. Antrophosphere is related to human life on earth surface as the central theme.

Formal Object
Geography formal object is a way or method in analyzing any problems in geography material object. This analysis can be done through spatial approach, ecological approach or regional complex approach.

Spatial approach is a unique geography approach which analyzes natural phenomena variation on earth surface. Spatial approach refers to place difference analysis through geography principles: spread, interaction and description. Ecological approach is related to human life interaction with their physical environment. This interaction make spatial system named ecosystem. Regional complex approach analyze physical and social characteristic of any phenomena which happen on different earth surface among regions. That is why this approach accentuates to region difference.

So our lesson plan in this part is understand the geography object. Material object is the main object itself. Formal object is the way you look to the material object. Don’t be confused!

Tags: geography object, geography material object, geography formal object
