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Thursday, September 10, 2009


Cosmical Collision Form New Galaxy

If we can creat time accelerator engine so that can see future, we all will watching perhelatan colossal that before very eyes we. Galaxy Milky Way, sun place and our earth planet presents, will collid with galaxy Andromeda, neighbour galaxy closest Milky Way.
Andromeda fly to approach milky way with speed 300.000 mile / hour, 100 quicker times than bullet that fly away with high-speed. When collid, Andromeda will change our galaxy Milky Way forever.
Millions star will be throwed from the orbit. Dust cloud and sky gas will collid among others. Cause in such a way the hard collision, born millions new star. Process that during hundreds million year that will tear structure two giant galaxies.
That thing concluded by astronomer at Aviation Institution and United America Space, NASA, after watch closely through years sky object that bring them to theory borns and die it a galaxy.

Milky Way and Andromeda

Milky Way galaxy that be house for our sun and planet-planet or often called diesel fuel system. Has diameter 100 thousands light year. One light year distance size equal to distance that goed by light that move with speed 300 thousands km per hour during one year. If entire mass star exist in Milky Way added up, mass Milky Way self equal to 750 biliun, one triliun time mass sun.
By using radiowave, astronomy quest towards hydrogen cloud distribution outside sky open information that galaxy Milky Way this is spiral formed. Therefore, mass it a large part reside in itself galaxy rotation. For, this galaxy form can be imagined to like cake ‘cucur’ that sold at tradisional market in indonesia.

Meanwhile, galaxy Andromeda biggest galaxy bearest with galaxy Milky Way. Andromeda recorded first as" little cloud" by persian astronomer that nameds Abd-al-Rahman Al-Sufi around year 905. Then, nationality astronomer bavaria, that is Simon Marius, find this galaxy and register the invention in 1612. Unknowingly invention Al-Sufi and Marius, existence Andromeda then to information by some of world astronomer in years next.
Galaxy Andromeda to category as giant galaxy because has diameter around 200 thousands light year or twice the big than galaxy Milky Way. Andromeda has mass 300 until 400 biliun time mass sun. It’s for special round and big the size makes this galaxy is easy is perceived although in a condition sky enough moderate and by using simple telescope.

Galaxy Evolution

By using telescope hubble that present in height 612 km from earth surface and speed 28.000 km / hour surround earth, astronomer NASA watch closely star group based on when does that star group formed.
Because light needs time from light source that be sky object until arrive at telescope mirror Hubble, so every picture photography that done Hubble actually transcribe old world insident, not present day insident.
At beginning to form of universe, galaxy collids with galaxy other ten times a more regular than galaxy collision at present day. This conclusion is made based on astronomy observation as follows.
Star collection formed 12,6 biliun year ago show young the stars that gathers in certain locations at sky. Observation towards the stars collection in universe age younger, that is around 9 biliun year ago, show galaxies" bubbles" without form regular.
Final, observation towards relative universe older, or around 5,3 biliun last year, show star groups with far form clearer like when do they mutual knock against spiral plate.
Sometimes, galaxy collids in group two or three galaxies. Group that knock against this will slurr to be one big galaxy. This invention is then is unified into a simulation that give conclusion that surprise: galaxy formed pass collision process. Collision process deliver galaxy that continue till now.

Two Galaxies Knocks

What is causes two galaxies knocks? Simple answer from this question is gravity style. Like to formulated by Issac Newton, physicist that born in 4 Januaries 1643 at Lincolnshire, London, English, every sky thing will experience attractive force will interesting with sky thing other.
This law is known as Newton law of gravitation. Gravity style magnitude between two sky things in proportion to secondly mass thing and inversely proportional with quadrate thing second distance. But, in comparison with third natural style other that is known at universe likes electromagnetic style, weak nuclear style and strong, gravity atonic style between fourth style.
If two galaxies presents enough near between one and another, gravity style will interesting both to mutual will approach. Like galaxy Milky Way and galaxy Andromeda, gravity style both will bring second this galaxy will approach.
When knock against, sun and our diesel fuel system doesn't knock against with star other, but" sail" without being influenced by situation around is passing by galaxy that is changing form.
If proportional sun size with a sand grain at coast that cling in our sole, we must walk around 2 miles before meet sand grain next, that is star Alpha Centauri.
When two galaxies knock against, the stars are meet. We can conceive this process with car condition at highway. If a car moves to approach deviation, these cars will walk will change without having to will collid with other car.

Para ahli astronomi di Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Amerika Serikat, NASA, mengamati objek angkasa selama bertahun – tahun dan ini membawa mereka kepada teori lahir dan matinya sebuah galaksi. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa galaksi baru lahir karena adanya tabrakan antar galaksi. Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya gaya gravitasi. Jika dua galaksi berada cukup dekat antara satu dan lainnya, gaya gravitasi akan menarik keduanya untuk saling mendekat.
Mereka juga mengamati akan adanya tabrakan antara galaksi Milky Way atau lebih dikenal sebagai galaksi Bima Sakti dengan galaksi Andromeda yang merupakan galaksi terbesar yang paling dekat dengan galaksi Milky Way. Tabrakan tersebut dapat merobek struktur dua galaksi raksasa tersebut dan melahirkan jutaan bintang baru.

Tabrakan tersebut terjadi karena adanya gaya gravitasi dari masing – masing galaksi. Saat kedua galaksi tersebut sudah cukup dekat, maka gaya gravitasi akan menarik kedua galaksi tersebut untuk saling mendekat. Jutaan bintang akan terlempar dari orbitnya. Awan debu dan gas angkasa akan bertabrakan di antaranya. Karena kerasnya tabrakan tersebut, akan lahir jutaan bintang baru. Proses yang terjadi selama ratusan juta tahun itu akan merobek struktur dua galaksi raksasa tersebut. Namun, ketika bertumbukan matahari dan sistem solar kita tidak bertumbukan dengan bintang lain, melainkan akan melayang tanpa dipengaruhi oleh situasi sekeliling melewati galaksi yang sedang berubah bentuk.
Hal tersebut sangatlah berdampak buruk bagi makhluk hidup di bumi. Tumbukan galaksi ini akan menghilangkan segala peradaban di bumi kita tercinta ini. Kita sebagai manusia tidak dapat menghindari ataupun mencegahnya. Namun jika kita mau, kita dapat mencari “bumi” baru di galaksi lain sehingga manusia ataupun makhluk hidup lainnya dapat melanjutkan kehidupan dan menghindari kepunahan.

sumber :

Fennycia Lanny L.

XG / 10
